Introducing 4MOD Technology
4MOD (For Media On Demand) is a leading provider of innovative, wireless user interface solutions. The Company was established in 2007 in Grenoble, France, by Mr. Laurent Stephan. He decided to address the market of media controllers from the angle of design and user experience, arguing that remote controls belong to the world of connected devices and represent a link between home entertainment providers and their customers. Over the years, RCUs have become 4MOD’s core business but the Company has now enlarged its line of business to other fields such as User Interface, Set-Top Box Industrial Design and IoT turn-key solutions. 4MOD is now extending its playground to Smarthome solutions and seeks to establish long-term partnerships with leading home automation Companies.
4MOD stands out from its competitors thanks to extensive research and user centered design. We understood that a complete control over industrial processes – from idea to delivery – was the key to meet customer’s full satisfaction. As everything is developed in-house, 4MOD demonstrates full agility and reactivity on any given topic. A skilled team of designers and dedicated engineers closely collaborate with customers to imagine tomorrow's useful and playful devices. By embedding the latest technologies, our designs offer a brand new user experience.
4MOD in a few figures
Ø 20+M RCUs deployed worldwide
Ø 500+K IoT devices developed and industrialized
Ø 40+ employees
Ø 5 offices throughout the world: Nantes (France): HQ Design & Sales, Bordeaux (France): R&D, Paris (France): Sales, Atlanta (USA): Design & Sales, Shenzhen (China): Operations