BeeToBit is an innovative company focused on building scalable modern computing and IoT platforms for companies, public sector and research institutes.
BeeToBit is an innovative company focused on building scalable modern computing platforms for companies, public sector and research institutes.
Our vision of ICT: a field not focused on programs and apps anymore, but on the concept of sharing, collaboration and mix-up of different data and computation resources, working together at scale to compose a dynamic system far greater, and more useful, than the sum of the single components.
To achieve our vision, we invest heavily on enabling technologies:
- Public Cloud is a disruptive computing paradigm that allows us to foster innovation by using world-class scalable IT resources paying them on a per-use basis, without any upfront investment;
- data technologies: we’re highly proficient in several kinds of databases, including both SQL and no-SQL databases using different paradigms, including graph, document and key/store databases: we’ve got extensive field experience in using them in real world situations, at scale, for critical applications, including large clustering deployments and big data scenarios;
- modern high-level cloud enabled languages, use of APIs, microservices, and serverless components. We build and manage scalable modern IT infrastructures;
- IoT and Smart Cities: we build infrastructures to integrate IoT sensors, administrative data, user feedbacks and context data in single, scalable, serverless platforms;