The major features of CTC advanced are testing and certification of electronic devices with most advanced telecommunication interfaces. CTC advanced GmbH is versed in worldwide approval procedures and applies them professionally for a quick and independent homologation of their customers’ devices – no matter what industry they belong to. Measurements of radio interfaces, electromagnetic compatibility as well as electrical safety in labs accredited according to ISO 17025 provide the essential fundament of certification.
In CTC advanced’s environmental simulation labs products are being tested to verify their robustness towards environmental impact. They are even subjected to destructive examinations, e.g. during safety tests of batteries.
CTC advanced’s labs for “payment & identification” test and certify devices for cashless payment transactions, like credit cards and card readers, as well as ATMs on the basis of versatile accreditations in the banking sector.
The line-up of products tested in CTC advanced’s accredited labs is broad and ranges from E-marking for subassemblies of vehicles to contactless credit cards and from hearing aids to MRI scanners.
Note: CTC advanced Germany (Saarbrucken) can perform both RF & Protocol tests and radiated performance tests.