KENSO SOLUTIONS is an engineering company dedicated to the optimization of processes through the use of elements and ad-hoc systems of sensorization. We work to make your company more efficient and we specialize in the design and manufacturing of custom hardware, which we use as a basis for building sensor systems that allow our clients to be more efficient and productive.
We offer SENSORIZATION SYSTEMS that allow the acquisition of parameters with two objectives:
• Increase efficiency and profitability of maintenance tasks
• Increase the quality of production by adding sensorization characteristics
Regarding systems for maintenance, we distinguish two types, first being industrial sensorization implementing a predictive maintenance model, avoiding production stops and deviation in the production line . The second type deals with telematic control of installations using actuators to intervene in the processes and sensors to monitor them. To support implementation, we have our own team of electronic engineers that will take good care of your new sensorization product.
We are backed by our years of experience in:
• Low consumption electronics
• Systems with NarrowBand communications
• Integration and adaptation of data acquisition boards
• Product manufacturing management
To read more about our projects check the next link: https://kensosolutions.com/en/projects/