Our profession and obsession is all around the world of embedded. devices. We are system architects and core developers of soft- and hardware for small and tiny devices, always striving for the optimum balance between efficiency and flexibility.
Starting from our very first project, we added connectivity. to embedded devices. This has neither been limited by the kind of connectivity nor by the restricted capabilities of a deeply embedded device. Since 2002, we have collected experience in more than 200 projects around the design of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Connectivity may be wired or wireless, safe and secure, modular and flexible.
From these projects, we also have lots of building blocks already available. But honestly, we do not have a ready solution for everything at hand. Being close to academia and research, we have a wide overview of technological approaches. And we're always keen to find a technical solution that fits the economical needs.
We're building your solutions. for the Internet of Things.