We at TRAKSENS INC. have been focused on smart and reliable "connected multi-mode hybrid Tracker/Sensor solution" as our company name suggests that can provide a global service coverage and solution flexibility that can be easily adopted and cutomised for your applicatiion needs. We pride ourselves on relaible hardware solutions, but we can also provide service platforms that can be bundled with appication and connectivity for a truly "One-Stop Solution" for customers that need a quick commercial roll out. We also have integrated AWS based remote monitoring service as a key value add service and differentiator from other competing solutions, not to mention our option to render our hardware solution as part of the service, thus reducing significant up-front investment.
TRAKSENS is part of a bigger company called REMOTE SOLUTION from South Korea with manufacturing sites in Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and China and it is a No.1 Remote Controller maker by both volume and sales serving global TV, Set-Top Box, Cable Box and Router makers.
TRAKSENS key assets are its people and experiences that they bring from the wireless technology and cellular chip technology world with strong vision to add value to SIgfox network and its coverage around the world and enhance SIgfox Partners solution portfolio with our "Hybrid Solution" which was recently launched, like the TS-901.