Fast delivery of prototypes and iterative improvement to reach the final product.
In Embeblue, we are specialized in creating devices for the Internet of Things following the agility rules: fast delivery of prototypes and iterative improvement to reach the final product.
· Sensor: auxiliary electronic design, data processing,...
· Wireless communication: SIGFOX, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wifi, GPRS, Long Range (868MHz, 433MHz, 169MHz, ...), GPS,,...
· Microprocessor: Ultra Low power technology, firmware development,...
· Gateways: Linux driven devices.
LESS TIME, LESS COST, LESS ERRORS. If you don't find a product that fits in your IoT needs due to technology or price limitations, think about creating your own device in less then 3 months and producing it in large series getting the best price per unit. We give all the designs and source code to our clients.