Ercogener has been one of the leading companies in IoT and MtoM fields for more than 35 years and has always remained at the cutting edge of technology, distinguishing itself with new IoT solutions: EG-IOT dedicated to harsh environments. These products can be used in many applications: geolocation, alerts, predictive maintenance, remote control, secure access, etc.
Technical, R&D and marketing teams of ercogener bring you: innovation, robustness, reliability and sustainability in terms of products developed for professional and industrial applications. The communicating products developed meet an increasing demand of the market. ercogener can help you in the growing sector of professional IoT market, with its knowledge in terms of:
- Project management, from the specifications up to the mass production
- Electronic development optimized for low consumption
- Development of easily configurable embedded software
- Development of metal/plastic casings/interfaces
- Industrialization of communicating products
- Hardware qualifications according to applicable Standards
- Specific training on technological bricks allowing you to reduce your "time-to-market" and to focus on your business application
- Interconnection of new equipment to new communication networks
If you cannot find a standard product corresponding to your needs, we can propose to you a special development or customisation of a product that will be dedicated to you. Our team is very mindful of the quality of development in order to take into account the constraints of operating security and cyber security that are becoming more and more important with the "all connected" effervescence. Our added value and our industrial know-how are recognized by many customers in various applications such as:
- Geolocation
- Equipment monitoring
- Remote reading of sensors
- Alert management...
Ercogener can rely on its geographical presence with products sales in more than 50 countries and on the ZeKat Group which is defined as “a bold and committed group who aim at performance with humility” to boost its development. Entirely implanted in France, labelled “French Fab” with French Public Investment Bank support, ZeKat Group remains at the cutting edge of technology and is a jewel of French expertise in the IoT world. Within the group there are also two Electronic Manufacturing Services provider (CEQUAD and AZKEDIA) that can industrialize and produce your devices. Today, systems produced by CEQUAD and AZKEDIA have a worldwide presence for demanding sectors such as energy, transport, defense, aeronautics, machinery, mechatronics, medical activities....