BioCrotalMobile: Monitor your cattle from BioNaturalApps

With BioNaturalApps and the use of iOT you can now monitor your farm for: Cattle, goats, sheep, horses and cinematic species.
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In developmentCommercially available - est. May, 2020


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Monitor and control your cattle

Choose the farm and the device that best suits your needs: They are robust, lightweight, ergonomic and waterproof, will be your animal's best friend.The device, once placed on the animal, will begin to learn from its behavior and You will get information on the status of each animal by offering:

     - Birth detection

     - Temperature alerts.

     - Distance

     - Location.

     - Exercise.

     - Behavior.

     - Weather warnings.



Sigfox Ready


In developmentCommercially available - est. May, 2020


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