FUJITSU Cloud Service K5 IoT Platform

The IoT Platform is a dedicated IoT cloud service for sending, receiving, storing and collecting data from the enormous number of sensors and devices required when using the Internet of Things.
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  The IoT Platform service is common platform (PaaS) that enables simple and efficient usage of data from various sensors and gateways using a standard procedure. 

(1)Enables rapid IoT system building  

The basic functions required for using the IoT system (data collection, retention and searching, access control, and event detection and notification) are provided as a package, which enables customers to focus on using the IoT and developing the desired business applications. The inclusion of a standard interface enables easy application development. 

 (2)Accommodates a diverse range of sensors and devices 

 In addition to the conventional HTTP/HTTPS protocols, it also supports the lightweight MQTT/MQTTS protocols which are designed to have low communication load and battery consumption for the IoT. There is no need for special modules when developing devices and applications, as open source and other technologies enable a wide range of sensors and devices to be used for business. 

 (3)Use Case  

 Mobility/Digital Marketing/Manufacturing/Maintenance/Retail Logistics/Food Agriculture/Home Monitoring/Social infrastructure  

Downloadable resources
  • servicedetails_en.pdf

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