LPWAN SigFOx node

Arduino and Raspberry compatible, controlled by AT commands, only 4 wires connection, 5dBi antenna included, very small dimensions and many more.
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Countries adapted for RC1

Commercially available

Cheap and small UART modem with high quality 5dBi antenna. 

Just one command Serial.println("AT$SF=01020304"); to explore IOT world. Nothing more. It's simple. 

Modem can be connected to the Arduino, Raspberry and generally anything that has RX and TX pins.

Only 4 wires connection, 5dBi antenna included, very small dimensions and many more

Please open the product datasheet and check the wiring examples and detailed section named AT commands.

Do you want to learn SigFox Network quickly?  This simply modem help you!

Downloadable resources
  • LPWAN sigfox node datasheet v1.pdf

In order to download a datasheet please Sign in or Register





Commercially available

In order to view more detailed commercial information (price, lead time, etc.) for this product, please Sign in or Register

Technical Details



Mandatory - Internal

AT Commands

Compatible with AT commands: Yes

Embedded Software

Kit Type: Extension (shield, etc)

Development Platform(s): Custom, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Mbed

Development Environment(s) - IDE: Custom, Arduino, Atmel Studio, mbed

This Dev Kit Embeds:


To activate your Sigfox subscription included with your kit, please visit backend.sigfox.com/activate


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