Indoor air quality station for monitoring and diagnostic. Formaldehyde unique sensor embeded.
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Indoor air quality station for monitoring and diagnostic. Formaldehyde unique sensor embedded.

NEMo is the first portable logger of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) to continuously and selectively measure confinement and formaldehyde with the levels stipulated for indoor air quality. Design houses, building users, or public organizations can thus easily set up monitoring campaigns. A single button is all that is required to collect the data and generate complete, visual reports. Continuous measurement of these parameters, along with new management and analysis software, allow accurate analysis of occupants’ exposure to pollutants and identification of pollution peaks. The manager can thus undertake highly effective and more economic corrective actions best suited to the type of building: optimization of ventilation, development of “best practices” (opening windows, cleaning schedules,… ). Strenghts:

  • Most relevant parameters of IAQ in a single device
  • Exclusive and ultra sensitive technology of nanoporous sensors
  • Non Dispersive Infra Red (NDIR) measurement of CO2 in accordance with IAQ standards.
  • Compact, robust, easy to use and install
  • Possible extension to other gases
  • Multi-parameter IAQ indicator
  • Turnkey diagnosis mode



Sigfox Ready

Class 1

End Product Certificate P_0003_5611_01


Actionable data

Environmental data, Air quality, PM, VOC, temperature, humidity, formaldehyde...


Commercially available
Production capabilities

100-1,000 items

Technical Details

Product casing

Dimensions (in mm): 175 x 95 x 75

Weight: 450gr



Dedicated - Internal

Type: Custom


Battery life: 1 Months

Embedded Software

Flashable Firmware: No

External antenna

No connector for an additional external antenna


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