Focus to provide a more flexible and efficient solution to his customers, Citycare has developed a new connected Sigfox AED with all the advantages of the R'evolutionBox launched in 2016 by providing the following key features:
- Total mobility (no need to be connected to a Box, our AED communicates directly with the Citycare server via the Sigfox network)
- No more technical constraint due to the installation (Power supply, distance between the AED and the Box)
- Transmission of the information faster, the technical alert and the notification to the customer throught the Citycare technical service is less than 2 seconds
Look closer into the new Citycare connected AED :
- Citycare's Solution is innovative because it is the only one on the market with the following characteristics:
- AED with a Medical Product class IIB certification incorporating a Sigfox radio transmitter.
- Defibrillator that provides real-time supervision for both fixed AEDs and nomadic AEDs
- The Citycare solution is no longer "plug & play" but only "play"!