The Product
Adroit is an industrial strength data acquisition(SCADA/HMI) and user interface development environment. With over 20 000 applications running globally running critical infrastructure, building management, mining and manufacturing processes. Sigfox partners and clients can now build applications quickly and easily using familiar point and click configuration, saving time, complexity and money for IoT projects.
Designing Projects
The easy to use Design environment allows users access to Sigfox device data and other devices or data using MQTT, Modbus, OPCUA and a host of other industry standard protocols. Once the data is in the Adroit Agent Server data can be manipulated, logged and alarmed and rich secure displays can be configured and accessed by users.
The Smart UI Designer has many sample projects and over 300 pre-designed shapes and wizards, and a host of windows controls such gauges (circular, linear etc.) to get a user started. This allows for Adroit to be used without the need for any programming experience. Integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio uses can develop complex scripting to further enhance their projects.
The application can be self-hosted or hosted in the cloud and innovative pricing allows users to start small and scale as and when required. Adroit runs on the latest Windows Operating System.
Sigfox Device Partner Commitment
Adroit Technologies will develop and certify and Sigfox Certified device objects that will make the choice an duse of these devices from Adroit and once certified will form part of our growing library.
Sigfox Ready