Electronic Seal RC2

Electronic Seal provides information about unauthorized manipulation with your a logistics container, utility meter or with any device or gate that should be sealed.
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Countries adapted for RC2

In development

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Electronic Seal provides information about unauthorized manipulation with logistics container, utility meter or with any device that should be sealed. Functionality consists in constant control of the optical fiber which allows detection of loop interruption. In this case, a message about non-technical action is sent immediately. Re-connection of the Electronic Seal is possible only by authorized intervention. Thanks to a built-in accelerometer it sends notification even when you move the device. We provide two versions, one for utilities (with thin wire) and one for logistics (with robust wire) as shown by images.

Downloadable resources
  • Electronic seal - product sheet.pdf

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Not certified yet


Actionable data

Send warning messages when the wire is disconnected or cut and also detects its movement

Minimum order quantity to custom product

10000 products


In development

Technical Details

Product casing

Dimensions (in mm): 80 x 60 x 20

Weight: 200gr

IP Code: IP68

Recommended operating temperature: -30° to 80° C



Optional - Internal



Dedicated - Internal

Type: Custom

Battery Cell
TypeBattery details


Mandatory - Internal

Size: AA

Rechargeable: No

Quantity of similar cells: 2


Battery life: 5 Years

Battery total Voltage (V): 3.6

Embedded Software

Flashable Firmware: No

External antenna

No connector for an additional external antenna


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