Ultimate 3.0

This device is a highly sensitive state-of-the-art GPS/GNSS tracker for advanced monitoring. It is specially designed for tracking moving objects in demanding environments.
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Countries adapted for RC1

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IoT.smart presents a tracker Ultimate 3.0. This device is a highly sensitive state-of-the-art GPS/GNSS tracker for advanced monitoring. It is specially designed for tracking moving objects in demanding environments 

Product Features: Compact and durable tracker offers reliable tracking services. It is based on the revolutionary Internet of Things technology. It uses the Sigfox network which is a modern alternative to traditional cellular operators. The benefits of this network are global coverage, low fees for data, extremely low power consumption and a service level agreement 

A typical use is in transportation and logistics sector most commonly to track cars, trucks, trailers, railway wagons, containers and other moving objects.  

A sensitive shake sensor and accelerometer are used for smooth motion detection and shock monitoring. Modern technologies make it possible to get coordinates even in areas with limited sky view. Components are carefully selected with regards to use 

Use cases:

  • Asset management 
  • Logistics and containers tracking 
  • Heavy industries
  • Demanding environment
  • Theft prevention · Fleet management
  • Vehicles rental
  • Quality measurement
  • Waste management 


The embedded software is essential part of each device to ensure proper functioning. The firmware covers following functionality.

  • Highly accurate GPS coordinate surveillance
  • Event based system – start + stop + movement indication
  • Indication of exceeding the limit of acceleration in the three axis
  • Calculation of the distance travelled – based on user input 
  • Temperature measurement
  • Support of remote configuration
  • Intelligent power management for longer service life  

Downloadable resources
  • https://www.iotsmart.cz/assets/files/ultimate31.pdf

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Sigfox Ready

Class 0

End Product Certificate P_0095_A298_01



Typical number of messages per duration



Commercially available
Production capabilities

10,000-50,000 items

Technical Details

Product casing

Dimensions (in mm): 160 x 80 x 55

Weight: 410gr

IP Code: IP67



Mandatory - Internal


Mandatory - Internal


Mandatory - Internal



Dedicated - Internal

Type: ½ wave


Battery life: 10 Years

Battery type: Replaceable

Embedded Software

Flashable Firmware: No

External antenna

No connector for an additional external antenna


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