The Internet of Things can be really useful for management of retail supply chains, to track assets at various storage centers.
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34 companies found
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GPS industrial trackers for industrial assets
ADASTRA, s.r.o.
Adastra creates functional solutions built on the Internet of Things.
Smart Returnable Transport Item management
Concerto Support Services Ltd
Concerto is a software company based in the United Kingdom that provides IoT ready computer-aided facilities (CAFM), property and project management software to both the public and private sectors.
EFCO Group, EFCO Electronics GmbH
Turning Your Imagination into Reality -- Turn-Key Partner for the Design of IoT Technology
EMM spol. s r.o.
Leading supplier of integrated solutions in field of information technology and cybersecurity
Energis SA
Data-driven Energy Management Software that helps you to get visibility on energy and all the related data.
Energyly - Vidabest Energy Private Limited
Energyly is an IoT company in Energy monitoring and control, providing Energy Efficiency solutions to small & medium enterprises to save power costs at an affordable cost.
EVRYTHNG is the Internet of Things Smart Products Platform connecting consumer products to the Web, and managing real-time data to drive applications.
KCCS Mobile Engineering Co., Ltd.
KCME is able to provide both Sigfox IoT edge devices and SmartBee IoT platform to customers willing to start IoT services.
LOKA gives things a conscience. Our IoT solutions are present in every country with a Sigfox coverage. LOKA offers the lowest cost, with extreme flexibility, to make your use case a reality.
Macro Components s.r.o.
The Slovak company Macro Components s.r.o. distributes modules for the Sigfox network and provides comprehensive solution for AMR and Smart Metering.