Nexxtender Mobile

The nexxtender Mobile is a communicating cable allowing to charge any type of electrical vehicle.
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Countries adapted for RC1

Commercially available


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The Nexxtender Mobile is a Smart Charging Cable , compatible with all models of Electrical Vehicles.

Connected to a standard AC plug, the Nexxtender Mobile uses the Sigfox network to communicate positioning and charging information.

This enables a smooth integration in the charging platform used by the driver or the fleet manager. 

2 versions are available depending on the car model:

  • Type 1 J1772 (generally the adopted standard in Japan and the US) and (Yasaki)
  • Type 2 62196-2 adopted by the European Charger Manufacturers. (Mennekes) 

Downloadable resources
  • Datasheet Nexxtender Mobile.pdf

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Sigfox Ready

Class 1

End Product Certificate P_003B_9E98_02



Commercially available
Production capabilities

1,000-10,000 items

Technical Details

Product casing

Dimensions (in mm): 380 x 115 x 80

Weight: 3000gr



Dedicated - Internal

Type: ¼ wave


Battery life: 2 Days

Embedded Software

Flashable Firmware: No

External antenna

No connector for an additional external antenna


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