CommonSense for Building & Energy

The solution for integrated energy management in buildings and renewable energy site installations.
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CommonSense Energy & Building is built upon the generic CommonSense IoT CLOUD platform. For more information about CommonSense, visit the dedicated page.

CommonSense Energy & Building is a modular solution combining sourced equipment, distributed and centralized software for integrated energy management in tertiary and residential buildings as well as renewable energy production installations. It enables mainly to monitor and optimize energy consumption and production (multi-energies and fluids, PV panels performance including inverters production, panels temperature…) as well as control and automate equipment through a suite of tools. Moreover, with APIs, your can bring all CommonSense features into a third party system or interface.

Our references : Terao, UCB, SPIE, Gaz de Bordeaux, Integra S.r.l., FEDA Andorra. 

Connect - integrate any energy equipment

Since 2008, we have integrated dozens of equipment of different manufacturers, versions, technologies and protocols including LoRa, Sigfox, Modbus, M-Bus, Wireless M-Bus, Z-Wave Wifi, 2G, SMS… 

We have been building along the way equipment models (encompassing for instance possible technical failures and related technical alarms). Moreover with the payload services, any user can directly translate its LPWA equipment payload directly on CommonSense enabling to integrate from end-to-end a device. This is very useful in R&D and tests phases.

Already integrated equipment includes:

- Electricity, gas and water modules to bring connectivity to meters

- Sensors (temperature, environment, pressure, door or window opening/closing ...)

- Inverters (SMA, PowerOne, Schneider Elecctric, Kaco, Socomec, Siemens, Fronius, Ingeteam, Danfoss...)

Manage - Monitor and optimize energy while managing your stakeholders

Get access instantly to your equipment through the CLOUD. Get status, data, commands and a synthetic sense of your fleet with statistical consolidated views.

Monitor and optimize your energy using intelliigent tools such as smart rule, multi-accounts and rights, containers and automation. For instance in a building project : you can grant different accounts with suitable access rights to the maintainer, buiding manager, Energy Service Company, occupants in order to efficiently manage your assets. 

Beyond virtual measures bring you a sense of analytics: calculate average, sums, or any advanced functions through LUA scripting. For instance calculate degree days, average consumption in order to analyze and optimize assets.

Especially for renewable energy site - calculate maximal, calculated and actual production and identify possible optimizations with additional sensors such as the temperature of the PV panels. Make your renewable energy plants profitable faster. 

Especially for smarthome - enable users to control their equipment with simple commands, calendar  and scenarios with automated actions. In addition, coupled with renewable energy plant, you can proceed with local load shedding that enables equipment to be automatically controlled (on - off) in order to save energy.

Design - build you energy application interface

With the codeless application module, you can design your pages, menus, dashboards including curves, sitemaps, histogram, gauges...


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Business cases

Energy management with SPIE

Vertical M2M implemented its OneSense Energy solution at SPIE’s global headquarters in Cergy (Paris region)


Instigated by the energy efficiency department of SPIE, the board supported the will to set up internally, Energy performance indicators as well as promote environmental awereness among the teams at the group headquarters in Cergy Pontoise (Paris region, France).

SPIE wanted to cover 5000m2 over 3 foors. As the M2M expert, Vertical M2M’s CommonSense Energy & Buildings solution answered all SPIE's needsespecially the multi-technology including multi-fuids unified management capability.


Here are the solution facts:

> Beginning of the project in july 2012 in pilot mode during a year

> Site’s instrumentation with management of main multi-fuid meters (electricity, gas, water, domestic hot water), electric sub-metering and confort measurement (temperature, humidity…)

> Some thirty measuring points in the buildings

> Setting up of welcome screen for monitoring of consumption and performance.


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